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Kevin Xmas Crawl

Well, aloha ma freends. Nae mair walks fur this year. All the best to you and your loved ones this festive season. But, if any of you wish to venture out to see Glasgow's Xmas lights this year, here's my 45 min recommended route, starting at St Enoch's Winter Market. Let's call it.... ' Kevz Xmas Crawl'

1. Tree at bottom of Buchanan Street

2. Frasers store- up to 1st floor for photo.

3. Opposite- Argyll Arcade.

4. Princess Sq- go inside, up lift, for tree and decorations

5. Exchange Square- walk under lit canopy

6. Walk past GOMA, along Ingram St to Corinthian nightclub

7. Left up to George Square- City Chambers has alternating coloured light show every 20 mins- see photos attached.

8. Enjoy Glasgow's Winterfest- Eating, skating, show rides.

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