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October walk availability


Busy start to October, but availability on walks for Tuesday 1st-(1-3pm),20+ central Glasgow Murals, including photo.

Wed 2nd sees another Secret Glasgow walk,1-3.30pm, including a visit to attached photo- but where is it at? 7 places left!

& finally, Tues 8th October, popular Old Govan walk, 1-3pm. Celts,vikings, Russians, churches,stones, new bridge, world's largest shipyard, Elderpark library & park. A lot to see.

That's then me til end of month, Tuesday 29th October and the 'Style Mile', Glasgow's Buchanan St with stories and history galore about its buildings from Concert Hall/ casino to Buchanan mansion house site at bottom. Meet @ Dewar statue 10-12.

FREE, as always, but small donation to RNLI, gratefully accepted and and shared amongst Scottish Lifeboat stations. Thanks.

Look forward to seeing new friends and old. Kevin

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