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Walks update

Hello ladles and gentlespoons. A little update on availability before my hols. All other walks are full atm. Thanks.

June 24th- Grahamston- 11-12.30, 12 available spaces

26th- Old Govan, 1-3pm (Newly added today)

29th- Secret Glasgow. 10-12.30 8 available spaces.

July 6th- Glasgow Canal, 10-12 ( Newly added today)

Others will be added after me hols 😃

Please let me know if you'd like to join us, and please advise if you can't manage on the day. Follow us on Facebook or send me your mobile for WhatsApp inclusion, re dates/ times.

Usual meet places;

Buchanan St buildings, - Concert Hall steps at top end.

Mackintosh- outside Clutha bar, Clydeside

Early Glw,Tob Lords, Grahamston, Murals, Secret Glw - outside the Bank of Scotland on Argyle St, bottom of Buchanan St

Trades House- outside M&S, Argyle/ Glassford Street.

Old Govan- outside Govan X bus station.

Glasgow Canal/ Claypits Nature Reserve. SeeWoo/Glw Angling Centre carpark, G22, safe fence ,free parking

No obligation to tip, but any small contribution is passed on to our various RNLI Scottish Lifeboat stations. Thank you.

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